Short description of Lewy body dementia

The website DementiaGuide ( describes itself as “helping people affected by dementia.”  It looks to be a business wanting to enroll families for a fee in dementia symptom tracking.

Their short webpage on the three most common types of dementia includes a paragraph of Lewy body dementia.  See:

Differentiating Different Types of Dementia Symptoms
Identifying unique symptoms that correlate with common types of dementia

I’ve copied a short excerpt below.  Every day I went to the webpage, the day the short article was “posted” changed to the day I went looking so I’m not sure how relevant the date is.


Excerpt from:
Differentiating Different Types of Dementia Symptoms
Identifying unique symptoms that correlate with common types of dementia

There are many conditions that can cause dementia. These underlying conditions are also referred to as types of dementia. The three most common types are Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and Lewy body dementia.

Dementia symptoms that generally occur in all three types include significantly impaired intellectual functioning, memory loss, loss of ability to solve problems and maintain emotional control, neglect of personal safety, hygiene, nutrition and personality changes. Each dementia type has its own distinctive symptoms.

With the last dementia type, Lewy Body dementia, the differences in dementia symptoms are more distinctive. Hallucinations can occur at the early stages and not in the latter stages. Their cognitive impairments fluctuate frequently (moment-to-moment, day-to-day). So, one moment, someone with Lewy Body dementia can’t remember what day it is, but the next moment, he or she can remember everything they did years before. Unlike the other two dementia types, impaired memory does not occur first, but waits until they have had the dementia for a period of time. People with this dementia type may have distinctive Parkinson-like symptoms: tremors, slow movements, stooped posture, stiffness in arms/legs, shuffling walk patterns, and mask-like facial appearance. Dementia symptoms can be unique to the dementia type and help medical experts to differentiate the diagnosis.