PSP Overview from UK Medical Professional Reference Website

Today, I stumbled across a medical professional reference website for UK doctors, called Patient (  The overview of PSP seems rather up-to-date even though it was last checked in January 2014.  (There was some out-dated info on davunetide.)  These topics are addressed — diagnosis, epidemiology, differential diagnosis, presentations, management, complications, prognosis, and references.  Though the language is technical, many within Brain Support Network will have no difficulty understanding the text.

Coincidentally at Sunday’s local support group meeting, we discussed the two clinical subtypes of PSP.  For more info on these two subtypes (and several less common ones), see the Brain Support Network website,

Copied below are a few excerpts.



Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Synonym: Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome

Progressive supranuclear palsy is a neurodegenerative syndrome which was first described in 1964. It affects cognition, eye movements and posture. Characteristics include supranuclear, primarily vertical, gaze dysfunction accompanied by extrapyramidal symptoms and cognitive dysfunction. The cause is unknown.

Progressive supranuclear palsy is the most common atypical Parkinsonian syndrome. There are two main clinical subtypes:

* Richardson’s syndrome: prominent postural instability, supranuclear vertical gaze palsy and frontal dysfunction.

* PSP-Parkinsonism (PSP-P): asymmetrical onset, tremor and moderate initial therapeutic response to levodopa.