Three Good Lists of Things to Do When a Loved One Dies

Unfortunately our local support group has experienced several deaths in the last few weeks.  One of the caregivers asked if I had a list of things that needed to be done after a loved one dies.

Actually, we’ve collected three good lists over the years.

#1 – My favorite is this list of:

“100 Things That Must Be Done by the Survivor”
Prepared In Every Way

This is no longer available on the blog, so we’ve posted it to the Brain Support Network website.

When I originally got the list from Vera James, moderator of one of the online MSA support groups, it had 87 things on the list.  I guess the authors eventually found 13 more things to add!

#2 – And this is a list of 42 things from Help for Seniors (, plus a second page about safe deposit boxes in California:

Death Checklist
Help for Seniors

#3 – Finally, there’s a booklet from TIAA-CREF, the insurance company, that breaks things down into items to do right now, in the first month, in the first few months, in months 3-6, by month 9, and in the future.

The booklet also has a short checklist on page 19 (page 21 of the PDF).

Checklist – After Loved One Dies
