“Slow Dancing with a Stranger” (recommended book)

Alzforum posted a review of the upcoming book Slow Dancing with a Stranger, by Meryl Comer. The book is about the harsh reality of what it’s like to care for a husband with Alzheimer’s Disease for 20 years.  The reviewer notes:

As she cared for her husband at home, Comer became a virtual prisoner to the disease. The “stranger” of the title is Alzheimer’s, which slowly robbed the couple of their normal lives.

Comer’s husband developed early-onset AD with behavioral symptoms in his 50s.  At first, of course, no one knew what was wrong.  Getting a diagnosis took several years.  Dementia care is not for the faint of heart.

You can find the review here:


Book Review: Slow Dancing with a Stranger
13 Aug 2014

Sounds like a worthwhile book.
