3 Important Questions and “Practical Tips on Balancing Loss and Connection” (Handout)

Neuropsychologist Kyrstle Barrera, PhD spoke to the Palo Alto Parkinson’s support group meeting last Wednesday.  She talked about “Balancing Loss and Connection” when coping with a neurodegenerative disease.

She encouraged us to let the answers to the following questions guide how you make your decisions and spend your time:

1.  When do I feel the closest to my loved one?
2.  When is this disease furthest from my mind?
3.  When do I feel the most nourished?

Besides these three questions, check out Dr. Barrera’s handout (below) for the practical tips she offers.



“Balancing Loss and Connection”
Kyrstle Barrera, PhD
Handout from 12-10-14 presentation to Palo Alto PD Support Group

Let the answers to the following questions guide how you make your decisions and spend your time:
1.  When do I feel the closest to my loved one?
2.  When is this disease furthest from my mind?
3.  When do I feel the most nourished?

Practical Tips
* Take care of yourself.
* Reminisce with your loved one.
* Talk about the things that are difficult.

* Schedule
– Schedule pleasant activities just like you do appointments and medications
– Schedule time for activities that allow you to be ONLY a spouse/child
– Schedule activities that are minimally impacted by symptoms (movies, music, people watching)

* Continue to socialize/build support network
– Support groups
– In person meetings with friends/family

* Use technology to help reduce your mental load!
– Set alarms
– Create check lists
– Take notes and pictures

* Use technology to help stay connected and keep everyone involved
– Video chat
– Speaker phone

* Prepare in advance
– Conversation topics/questions to ask
– Discuss answers to potential questions together beforehand
– Provide education to those around you, if needed (can be written material, too)
– Don’t avoid the elephant in the room
– Explain symptoms
– Let others know what to expect
– Give others tips on way to maximize communication

* Schedule time each week to emotionally “check in” with yourself and one another

* Take time to look back and gain some perspective on a regular basis (what did you enjoy the last week/month, how can you do more of that?)

* Think about the things “you wish you would have…” and do them.

* Journal

* Consider couples/family therapy

* Utilize your support network
– Accept help when it’s offered
– Delegate responsibilities when you can