Social Worker’s Reading List for Dementia Caregiving

Marguerite Manteau-Rao, LCSW, is a local social worker with expertise in working with dementia caregivers.  As part of her private practice work with dementia caregivers, she recommends these books:

• Dr. Allen Power, Dementia Beyond Drugs
• Richard Taylor, Alzheimer’s From the Inside Out
• Olivia Ames Hoblitzelle, Ten Thousand Joys and Ten Thousand Sorrows
• Nancy Pearce, Inside Alzheimer’s
• Christine Bryden, Dancing With Dementia
• Jon Kabat-Zinn, Full Catastrophe Living
• Rick Hanson, Buddha’s Brain

I’ve read a few of these books as well.  Richard Taylor’s book is wonderful.  He was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s.

Recently, Marguerite mentioned the book “Ten Thousand Joys and Ten Thousand Sorrows” in the context of being able to find joy in disruption.  It sounds like that book in particular would be of interest to all caregivers, not just caregivers to those with dementia.
