Four Caregiver Coping Strategies

In a short article on caregiver burden — “caregiving is an overwhelming job” — these four coping strategies were listed for caregivers:

  • Primary caregivers may do a lot, but they can’t do it all. Get additional help from friends, siblings or other family members. If you don’t get this extra support, you’ll likely burn out much more quickly, which could affect your ability to provide quality care. Also, look into and take advantage of low-cost or free community resources, including adult day care centers, home health aides, respite care, meal delivery and transportation services.
  • Take a few minutes every evening to write about your feelings — good and bad. Doing so may help you gain better understanding and control of your emotions.
  • Seek support groups or professional counseling services. [Disease-specific] support groups are wonderful because they allow you to connect with people experiencing very similar caregiving situations. You can share your frustrations and concerns in a nonjudgmental environment, receive encouragement, exchange practical information on problems and solutions and learn about resources you never knew existed. One-on-one therapy with a counselor skilled in caregiver stress may be helpful as well.
  • Learn to relax. Do whatever it takes to release tension and maintain a sense of calm. Meditating, doing yoga or tai chi, exercising, reading and engaging in a hobby or enjoyable activity can all help to melt stress and release feel-good endorphins.

Here’s a link to the article but what is listed above is all there is on coping strategies:
