“8 Extraordinary Things You Need to Know About People With Chronic Illness”

The post is from late November 2016 on The Mighty (themighty.com), a website for those facing “disability, disease and mental illness together.”  It’s titled “8 Extraordinary Things You Need to Know About People With Chronic Illness.”  The eight things include:

1. People with chronic illness have a profound strength to manage life while in pain.

2. People with chronic illness tend to have an astute awareness of other people’s pain.

3. People with chronic illness may have a unique perspective on life.

4. People with chronic illness often don’t tell people when they are struggling.

5. People with chronic illness live a secret life of struggling.

6. People with chronic illness need you to check on them.

7. People with chronic illness can fail to follow through on commitments.

8. People with chronic illness need to know they are loved unconditionally, because you cannot place conditions on them.

The author encourages us to tell the people in our life with chronic illness how much we admire them.

Here’s a link to the post:


8 Extraordinary Things You Need to Know About People With Chronic Illness
The Mighty
By Christine Carter
November 29, 2016
