“Can’t Sleep? Try This Proven Alternative to Medication” – cognitive behavior therapy (NYT)

Many caregivers and those with neurological diseases suffer from insomnia.  In this 2023 “New York Times” article on cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), two sources are suggested for finding CBT-I practitioners near you:

* Try the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine to find members

* Or the Penn International CBT-I directory

The article says “If you cannot find a provider, C.B.T.-I. instruction is easy to access online. Yet it is rarely the first thing people try.”

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Five Tips from Jon and His Father

We saw these “five tips” on an online community for those coping with Multiple System Atrophy (MSA).  The tips are about staying active, resting, scheduling activities with intent, staying positive, and having the caregiver research “all the bad things that can happen” so that the person with a diagnosis can focus on positive things.  These tips may be of interest to everyone with an atypical parkinsonism disorder.   The author is Jon, writing on behalf of his father, diagnosed with MSA in 2023.  They kindly gave permission to share.

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