2024 PSP/CBD (those with diagnosis) Virtual Local Support Group Meeting Dates

Here’s information about the 2024 Brain Support Network virtual support group meetings for those with a PSP (progressive supranuclear palsy), CBD (corticobasal degeneration), or CBS (corticobasal syndrome) diagnosis who live in Northern or Central California.

We meet monthly, generally on the second Sunday, 2-2:30pm.  The meetings are loosely facilitated by a local support group member with a CBS diagnosis.

Attendance is usually two to six people.  Most join by video but a few join by phone only. Caregivers may attend with as light a footprint as possible and only to speak for their family member or friend with a diagnosis.

Contact us if you’d like to be added to the meeting reminder email list.  Confirm WHERE you live as these meetings are ONLY for those in Northern and Central California. And please clarify if the email address is that of a person with PSP, CBD, CBS, or a caregiver. 

In 2024, these virtual meetings will be held on these dates, from 2pm to 2:30pm:

January 14
February 25 (FOURTH Sunday)
March 10

April 14
May 19 (THIRD Sunday)
June 9

July 14
August 11
September 8

October 13
November 10
December 8

Please put these PSP/CBD support group meeting dates on your calendars now.

Brain Support Network sends out reminders about a week before each meeting, requesting RSVPs by noon on the Saturday (one day) before each meeting.  While RSVPs are not required, they are helpful so that we can know who might be attending.

These meetings are for those with either PSP or CBD/CBS. We bring these two diagnoses together because the symptoms are similar.  PSP is a rare disorder while CBD is very rare.  In fact, through brain donation, we learn that some people diagnosed during life with PSP actually have CBD, and vice versa.  (We also learn that people may have different diseases entirely!  These diagnoses are confirmed less than half the time.  Please ask us about brain donation!)

We look forward to “seeing” you at a meeting some time!