One woman’s candid story about caregiving for an aging parent

This is a sweet but sad article about a woman caring for her mother. The woman describes the “guilt” in caring for an aging parent. The guilt comes from feeling that respites are too short and not missing a parent while away on the respite.

Here’s a meaningful excerpt: “People who have cared for loved ones told me it takes time to miss the healthy, vital person who dies, the person you enjoyed talking to and doing things with, not the needy or sometimes unknowing imposter. You don’t miss being a caretaker, you miss being a friend, wife or daughter.”

Here’s a link to the article:

I Didn’t Miss My Mother — Until She Was Gone
One woman’s candid story about caregiving for an aging parent
By Lisa Kosan
April 3, 2018
Next Avenue




Compassion fatigue in caregiving and ways to take care of yourself

Though this article has “dementia caregiving” in the title, the issue of “compassion fatigue” applies to all caregivers.  In caregiving, the “demands are many” and there is not enough time to get everything done.  Any many times the person receiving care resents being helped or may not express appreciation.

The author believes caregivers can overcome compassion fatigue by caring for themselves.  She suggests several ways to care for yourself:

* don’t take outbursts personally
* be kind to yourself
* share your feelings
* talk to someone
* find support
* validate your feelings
* grieve
* have fun

This is a blog post on the Huffington Post Canada website so some of the words having British English spellings.

Find the post here:

Compassion Fatigue Is A Reality Of Dementia Caregiving
If you are connected to the world of dementia care, the demands are many. In your quest to help others, are you taking time to care for yourself?
by Gail Elliot



Anosognosia – lack of awareness (not denial) of one’s own dementia

This short article from Next Avenue ( is about anosognosia, or the lack of awareness of one’s own dementia.  This is not denial but being unaware.  “This lack of awareness can cause major stress and heartache for caregivers.”

Here’s a short excerpt:

Both of Kathy Kling’s parents, who are divorced, have Alzheimer’s. Kling recently talked with her mother, Karen Kelly, about her father’s disease. “Oh, I hope I never get it,” her mother replied.  She was diagnosed six years ago.

The full article is here:

When Your Parent Doesn’t Know He Has Dementia
It’s a common aspect of the disorder, but tough on caregivers
By Emily Gurnon, Health & Caregiving Editor
Next Avenue
March 28, 2018
