Stanford/BSN Webinar – Orthostatic Hypotension in PD, MSA, and LBD, 9/18

Brain Support Network (BSN) is pleased to announce its second webinar with Stanford Movement Disorders Center, one of our Northern California partners.

Update:  See our notes from the webinar here.

Join us for a free, one-hour webinar on orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson’s Disease, multiple system atrophy, and Lewy body dementia. The speaker is Stanford movement disorders specialist Veronica Santini, MD. And the host is long-time BSN MSA group member Candy Welch.  Please spread the word!

What is orthostatic hypotension?  It is the sudden drop in blood pressure upon change in position such as sitting up from lying down in bed or standing up from a seated position.


Orthostatic Hypotension in Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple System Atrophy, and Lewy Body Dementia

When: Monday, Sept. 18, 2017
2-3pm Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Speaker: Veronica Santini, MD, movement disorders specialist, Stanford Movement Disorders Center

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.  Save that email as it contains an important link with the meeting ID embedded.  You will receive reminders.

Note: If you can’t make it on September 18th, we encourage you to register for the webinar so that you will be alerted when the recording is available online.


Further details on the webinar topic:

Dr. Veronica Santini, a movement disorder specialist, has extensive experience with orthostatic hypotension in the context of three disorders — Parkinson’s Disease (PD), multiple system atrophy (MSA), and Lewy body dementia (LBD).

Dr. Santini will address these topics:

  • what is orthostatic hypotension (OH) and how is it diagnosed?
  • is OH different in PD, MSA, and LBD?
  • what are the non-pharmacological treatments?
  • what are the pharmacological treatments?

There will be time for audience questions on OH.


Further details on the speaker:

The speaker is Dr. Veronica Santini, a movement disorders specialist at Stanford University. Dr. Santini has special interest in the autonomic system.  She takes a holistic approach to patient care and seeks to integrate conservative and alternative therapies where appropriate.


Further details on the webinar host:

The webinar will be hosted by Candy Welch, whose husband Bob had multiple system atrophy (MSA), confirmed through brain donation. She is on the Board of Brain Support Network, a nonprofit focusing on the four atypical parkinsonism disorders, including multiple system atrophy and Lewy body dementia. Candy will be speaking about brain donation for multiple system atrophy at the national MSA conference in October in Nashville.


Register in advance for this webinar:


Questions? Please contact Robin Riddle.

Sept 2017 Parkinson’s Support Group Mtgs – Guest Speakers – NorCal + Central CA

Here’s a list of guest speakers at many Northern California and Central California Parkinson’s Disease (PD) support group meetings for September 2017.

With my Brain Support Network atypical parkinsonism (DLBPSPMSACBD) hat on, these meetings are especially appealing to me (because of the guest speakers or topics) BUT remember that these are PD support group meetings:

* Roseville, Tues 9/5: speech therapist speaking about benefits of seeing a speech pathologist

* Soquel (Santa Cruz County), Wed 9/6: Dr. Salima Brillman, movement disorders specialist, will be speaking about hallucinations and delusions that can occur in PD and Lewy Body Dementia. Note that her talk is sponsored by and written by a pharmaceutical company.

* Chico, Wed 9/6: physical therapist addressing exercises for those with PD

* Brentwood, Wed 9/6: Dr. Salima Brillman, movement disorders specialist, will be speaking about hallucinations and delusions that can occur in PD and Lewy Body Dementia. Note that her talk is sponsored by and written by a pharmaceutical company. (Looks like Dr. Brillman has a lot of driving scheduled for 9/6.)

* San Francisco/Kaiser, Tues 9/12: speaker addressing dance for PD. Note that many in our Brain Support Network do attend PD dance classes…cautiously.

* Menlo Park/Little House, Wed 9/13: Dr. Salima Brillman, movement disorders specialist, will be speaking about hallucinations and delusions that can occur in PD and Lewy Body Dementia. Note that her talk is written by a pharmaceutical company though we’ve asked for the number of slides to be reduced. (Sponsorship is not allowed.) This is a new meeting location! The group is no longer at Avenidas in Palo Alto.

* Millbrae/Magnolia, Thurs 9/14: Dr. Salima Brillman, movement disorders specialist, will be speaking about hallucinations and delusions that can occur in PD and Lewy Body Dementia. Note that her talk is sponsored by and written by a pharmaceutical company.

* Lincoln, Tues 9/19: Kaiser Roseville neuropsychologist will address how cognition can impact motor symptoms in PD

Generally, I recommend driving no more than 30 minutes to attend any of these meetings. If you attend a meeting and learn anything, please share with me so that I can share with others!

Do you need to know the support group meeting location, day/time, contact info, and how to RSVP if required? Please refer to the Stanford Parkinson’s website for all Northern and Central California support groups:

As always, I’ve deleted the deep brain stimulation-related talks.



San Jose/Willow Glen
Friday, 9/1, 10am-noon  (speaker starts about 10:20am)
Guest Speaker:  Terry Nellis, Neptune Society
Topic:  Cremation instead of a casket
RSVP?:  No.

Friday, 9/1, 10:30am-noon
Guest Speaker:  Hip Skind, MD, emergency room physician and member of Board, Kaweah Delta Hospital
Topic:  Question and answer
RSVP?:  No.

Tuesday, 9/5, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker:  Kimberly Kinney, SLP, speech pathologist, Sutter Roseville Rehab Services
Topic:  General benefits for PD patients to see a speech pathologist
RSVP?:  No.

Soquel (Santa Cruz County)
Wednesday, 9/6, 1-2:30pm
Guest Speaker:  Salima Brillman, MD, movement disorders specialist, The Parkinson’s Institute, Sunnyvale
Topic:  PD Psychosis
RSVP?:  No.

Wednesday, 9/6, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker:  Erin Edwards, PT, Enloe Hospital Rehab
Topic:  PD exercise
RSVP?:  No.

Wednesday, 9/6, 6:30-8pm  (New meeting day)
Guest Speaker:  Salima Brillman, MD, movement disorders specialist, The Parkinson’s Institute, Sunnyvale
Topic:  PD Psychosis
RSVP?:  No.

Saturday, 9/9, 10am-noon
Program:  Discussion groups – those with PD and caregivers
RSVP?:  No.

Yuba City (Tri-Counties)
Monday, 9/11, 1-2pm
Guest Speaker:  Paulla Hyatt-McIntire, attorney
Topics:  Medi-Cal eligibility, recovery, tips to prevent elder abuse, and estate planning decisions
RSVP?:  No.

Monday, 9/11, noon-1:30pm
Program:  Panel of group members discussing various stages of PD
RSVP?:  No.

Monday, 9/11, 2-3:30pm
Guest Speaker:  Stephanie Fiola, RN, AbbVie
Topic:  Treatment for advanced Parkinson’s
RSVP?:  No.

Pacific Grove (Monterey County)
Tuesday, 9/12, 3-4:30pm
Guest Speaker:  Peter Lin, MD, movement disorders specialist, Valley Parkinson Clinic, Los Gatos
Topic:  New developments in PD
RSVP?:  No.

San Francisco/Kaiser
Tuesday, 9/12, 4:30-6pm
Guest Speaker:  Judy Leash, Dance for PD
Topic:  Dance for Parkinson’s
RSVP?:  No.

Menlo Park/Little House  (New meeting location!  No longer at Avenidas in Palo Alto.)
Wednesday, 9/13, 2-3:30pm
Guest Speaker:  Salima Brillman, MD, movement disorders specialist, The Parkinson’s Institute, Sunnyvale
Topic:  Parkinson’s hallucinations and delusions – overview and treatment
RSVP?:  No.

Thursday, 9/14, 1:30-3pm
Discussion Topic:  Importance of financial and medical durable powers-of-attorney
RSVP?:  No.
Thursday, 9/14, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker:  Salima Brillman, MD, movement disorders specialist, The Parkinson’s Institute, Sunnyvale
Topic:  PD – more than motor symptoms
RSVP?:  No.
Walnut Creek (Mt. Diablo)
Saturday, 9/16, 9am-noon  (speaker 10:45am-11:45am)
Guest Speaker:  Marilyn Stebbins, PharmD, UCSF School of Pharmacy
Topic:  All you ever wanted to know about pharmacy
RSVP?:  No.

Tuesday, 9/19, 10-11am
Guest Speaker:  Kimberly Lanni, PhD, neuropsychologist, Kaiser Roseville
Topic:  How cognition can impact motor symptoms in PD
RSVP?:  No.

Tuesday, 9/19, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker:  Suzanne Mortensen, ADT Alert Systems
Topics:  Newest technology in medical alert systems and preventing falls
RSVP?:  No.

San Jose/The Villages
Tuesday, 9/19, 2-3pm, Cribari Conference Room
Guest Speaker:  Jacque Duvall, behavioral health instructor, Kaiser Santa Teresa
Topic:  Sleep and insomnia
RSVP?:  Yes, required if you are not a resident of The Villages. Contact Alice Pratte, group leader, 408-223-8033, at least 24 hours in advance to obtain community access.

Mill Valley (Marin County)
Friday, 9/22, 1-3pm (guest speaker from 1-2pm)
Guest Speaker:  Catherine Printz, DPT, physical therapist, UCSF
Topic:  Exercise is for everyone
RSVP?:  No.

Monday, 9/25, 7-9:30pm
Guest Speaker:  Cynthia Eaton, movement class instructor, Kaiser Hayward
Topic:  Exercise for PD
RSVP?:  No.

Tuesday, 9/26, 1-2:30pm
Guest Speaker:  Stephanie Fiola, RN, AbbVie
Topic:  Treatment for advanced Parkinson’s
RSVP?:  No.

Union City/Mark Green Sports Center
Saturday, 9/30, 12-2pm  (special meeting day/time)
Guest Speaker:  Laurice Yang, MD, movement disorders specialist, Stanford
Topic:  Latest research on medication management and innovative strategies for managing PD symptoms
RSVP?:  No.