BSN PSP/CBD Conference – Leslie Wolf

Holding Steady on Shaky Ground

Leslie Wolf, person with CBD (Diagnosed 4 years ago)

  • Timeline
    • 2012 – loss of use of left side
    • Rotator cuff surgery
    • First brain MRI – showing brain shrinkage
    • 2013 – at the worst, started seeing every doctor possible
    • 2014 – first diagnosis of CBD/CBDS
    • Phase 1 trial to treat CBS and PSP
    • 2017 – Living on Carbidopa and Levodopa with Entacapone

5 years and holding steady


    • Clumsiness
    • Cant type with left hand
    • Holding arm
    • Jerkiness
    • Slowness of movements
    • Stiffness
  • Professional Clinical trial volunteer – part of what helps
    • Volunteering for every single possible trial
    • Done 2 sleep studies
  • What’s working?
    • Studies
    • Meds every 3-4 hours
    • Working out & water aerobics
    • Having my own business
    • Supportive husband
    • Kids
  • What’s next?
    • Communication is great
    • Online program