BSN PSP/CBD Conference – Gerard Schellenberg

What we Know and Don’t Know About PSP & CBD Genetics

Gerard Schellenberg, PhD, Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center

  • Human disease genetics
    • Study human disease mechanisms directly in humans
    • Prediction – Because there’s no treatment, we can use this when we have preventative therapies
    • Mechanism
    • Drug targets – Going from a gene to a drug target (finding a cure)
  • Does this work?
    • PCSK9 drug for CAD → protective loss-of-function mutations
    • If we reduce PCSK9, we reduce risk
    • Approved drug came from this trial
    • Can also help with preventative drugs in the future
  • MAPTau mutations
    • If you biochemically change tau, you make tangles
  • PSP GWAS –
    • Effects 4 genes including MAPT, MOBP, EIF2AK3, and STX6
    • MAPT encodes tau – protein in neurofibrillary tangles
  • PSP genetics
    • GWAS array data
    • Whole exome sequence data
    • Whole genome sequence data
    • Imputed genotypes
  • Genetic testing is extremely expensive