Webinar: “Pathogenic Protein Spread? Let’s Think Again”

The background information (www.alzforum.org/webinars/webinar-pathogenic-protein-spread-lets-think-again) alone on this webinar is challenging reading so I suspect the webinar will be the same, but it’s an important topic.  Do multiple system atrophy, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and frontotemporal dementias spread in a manner similar to prion diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease?

And, if you are willing to register your email address with nature.com, find a link to the Nature Reviews Neuroscience journal article on the pathogenic hypothesis here:  www.nature.com/nrn/journal/v17/n4/full/nrn.2016.13.html

[The webinar was hosted by Alzforum on Friday, April 8, at 9am California time.  A recording is available on-line at www.alzforum.org/webinars/webinar-pathogenic-protein-spread-lets-think-again.  Unfortunately, the audio quality is poor.]
