Early research of cancer drug (nilotinib)

There was an article in Forbes on Friday 5-10-13 about a cancer drug (nilotinib) successfully degrading alpha-synuclein in transgenic mice.  Usually I don’t circulate emails about results from animal research because translating results to the human world has proved challenging.  But I am circulating this article because the Forbes author indicates that:

“Plans are currently underway for phase II clinical trials, for use in people with Lewy body dementia, Parkinson’s disease, progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and multiple system atrophy (MSA).”

That list of diseases for phase II clinical trials is straight from the Georgetown University press release about the research.

That combination of disorders — LBD, PD, PSP, and MSA — is a little surprising.  LBD, PD, and MSA are all alpha-synucleinopathies but PSP is a tauopathy.  On the other hand, the Georgetown researcher is quoted as saying that the cancer drug:

“gets rid of alpha synuclein and tau in a number of movement disorders.”  In another article, the researcher is quoted as saying “this is the first drug that we know reduces alpha-synuclein and [tau] at the same time.”

Below, I’ve copied the link to the Forbes article.  I’ve also copied a link to a Fox News article plus a link to the Georgetown University press release.

In the Fox News article, the Georgetown researchers says that the team is most excited about the potential to use nilotinib to treat Lewy Body Dementia.  He is quoted as saying:  “The level of desperation among these patients is huge.”

The Fox News article says:

“Exploring this drug as a treatment for Lewy body dementia will be the researcher’s main priority going into clinical trials. However, they hope to expand to clinical trials on Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s patients as well.”

The research article published in “Human Molecular Genetics” is titled:  “Nilotinib reverses loss of dopamine neurons and improves motor behavior via autophagic degradation of a-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease models.”  So the published research is only about the drug getting rid of alpha-synuclein in the brains of transgenic mice with PD.  For those capable of understanding the science (certainly not me!), the PubMed ID number is 23666528.  (See pubmed.gov)




Link to Forbes article:


A Cancer Drug May Help Treat Alzheimer’s And Other Forms Of Dementia
by Alice G. Walton
Link to Fox News article on this research:

Link to Georgetown University press release on this research:



Anti-constipation recipes (from MSA support group)

Vera James, one of the moderators of the ShyDrager Yahoo!Group, has compiled a list of “constipation recipes” over the years. (Shy-Drager Syndrome is the old name for multiple system atrophy, MSA.) She re-posted it again yesterday. I’ve copied her compilation below.


Anti-constipation fruit paste

1 pound pitted prunes
1 pound raisins
1 cup lemon juice
1 pound figs
1 cup brown sugar
3-1/2 or 4 ounce package Senna Tea (can be found in health food

Steep tea 5 minutes in 3-1/2 cups boiling water. Strain tea to remove
tea leaves.

To 2 cups tea, in a large pot, add fruit and boil for 5 minutes.

Add sugar and lemon juice.


Use food processor or blender to turn mixture into a smooth paste.

Place in plastic container and put in freezer. (the paste will not
freeze and will keep a long time)

Take 1 or 2 tablespoons daily.


Special Recipe

one cup applesauce
one cup oat bran
1/4 cup prune juice
and spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, etc. to taste

May be stored in fridge or pre-measure servings in ice cube tray and
thaw as needed.

Begin by having 2 tablespoons each evening followed by 8 oz. glass of
water—-after 1 week increase this to 3 T, after third week, increase to
4 T…..also, remember to discuss this with your doctor when deciding
to go on this regimen.


YaKima Valley Anti-constipation Fruit paste

1 lb pitted prunes
4 ozs senna tea leaves (at health foods store)
1 lb raisins
1 lb figs
1 cup lemon jucie

1. Prepare tea;use about 2 1/2 cups boiled water, add to tea leaves
and steep for 5 minutes.
2. Strain tea and remove tea leaves.
3. Place 2 cups of tea or amount left in large pot.
4. Add all of the fruit to the tea.
5. Boil fruit and tea for 15 to 20 minutes until soft.
6. Remove from heat and add lemon juice . Allow to cool.
7. Use hand mixer/blender or food processor to turn fruit and tea mix
into a paste.
8. Place in glass jars or tupperware and place in freezer (paste will
not freeze but will keep forever in freezer also ver long in fridge).
dosage 1-2 tablespoons per day. ( does seem to work if used regularly)

You can also add a few tablespoons of ground flax to recipe.

Suggestion for use: can be spread on toast, english muffin, bagel,
bran muffin or rice cake. Good breakfast, lunch or snack — toasted
bagel or english muffin, spread with low fat cream cheese or goat
cheese and topped with fruit paste. For a change of flavor mix in
some raspberry or strawberry jam.


Natural Laxative Fruit Paste for Parkinson Disease

l lb. pitted prunes
1 cup lemon juice
1 cup brown sugar
1 lb. raisins
1 lb. dried figs
1 pkg. of Sienna Tea (3 or 4 oz. pkg) usually found in health
food stores (note: Senna leaf tea does come in tea bags but,
this recipe suggests using the loose leaf tea and it would be the
whole box that is used)

Steep the tea for five minutes in 3 1/2 C. of boiling water.
Strain. Cut the fruit into small pieces. To two cups of tea, add the fruit
and boil it for 5 minutes. Add the sugar and lemon juice. Cool. Put mixture
in food processor. Divide into small portions (1 or 2 T.), wrap in foil
or place in tiny containers and freeze. Take 1 or 2 T. daily.



1 cup applesauce
1/2 prune juice (you may want to try pear juice )
2 t bran

mix & refrigerate. Take 1 Tablespoon daily.


from Doug Peterson

1 cup all bran
4 tsp ground flaxseeds
3 tsp psyllium seed husks


From Elizabeth

Grind Golden Flax Seed in the coffee grinder and take 3 tablespoons in juice or soy milk. Or else I put 3 tablespoons of whole flax seed in apple sauce stir it up & chew the little seeds good.


From Joyce Connor
My husband’s neurologist at the University of Louisville Movement Disorders Center recommended. He started on this regimen and it immediately helped him. The doctor said to eat 1 tablespoon of the following recipe 3 times a day (after meals), and after every meal either take 1 Sennecot or have 1 dosage of Miralax in juice, water, etc.

Here’s the recipe:
1 Cup Oat Bran (uncooked)
1 Cup Prune juice (we’ve also used Plumsmart juice, cranberry juice and cranberry grape)
1 Cup applesauce

The recipe lasts for about 5 days, and it couldn’t get much simpler to prepare! Hope this is of help to others. It sure made a huge difference for Marc.


Prune Bars for Constipation
from Rush Presbyterian Hospital in Chicago

10 Oz of Prunes
10 Oz of Raisins
10 OZ of Figs
½ cup brown sugar
1 cup lemon juice
3 cups sienna tea (use 3 or 4 bags)

After you heat all of this together just put it in the blender. We portion pack it in 3 or 4 Glad Containers and use everyday for my husband. It really helps him keep regular as he has a constant constipation problem. Also, I give him a tablespoon of flax each day.


Prune Whip
by Eileen Jurek

Yield: 10 portions
Serving Size: 4 Tablespoons (2 ounces)

Wheat Bran – ¾ oz
Applesauce – ½ cup
Prune Juice – ½ cup
Cooked/Pitted Prunes – 4 oz
Topping, whipped/non-dairy- ½ cup

Puree cooked/canned prunes until they are smooth, with no lumps of fruit left.
Whip the prepared topping until soft peaks are formed.
Fold the bran, applesauce and prune juice and pureed prunes into the whipped topping.
Check for consistency. Pudding should be soft and fluffy.
Divide pudding into 10 equal portions.

Analysis/Serving: 64 calories; 3 gram fiber; 1.2 gram protein; 181 mg potassium; 0 cholesterol; 6.3 mg sodium; 0.5 gm saturated fat