PSP and CBD public service announcement

Check out this short public service announcement for PSP and CBD:

The audio quality is not as good as it is on Sean Donnelly’s webpage.  He’s the volunteer who produced the video:

It may be a tear-jerker for many of you.

I know the couple in the first set — “from vitality to lethargy.”  It’s Ed Plowman with his wife Rose.  Ed is a member of the PSP Forum, who has joined our local caregiver support group meetings in the past (when visiting the west coast).

The third set — “from active to debilitated” — is my dad and me.

The set of photos for “ability to see/ability to walk” are of Den Reichardt, local group member Sharon’s husband.

On the “Hope” page there’s another photo of my dad and me (to the right of “Hope”), a photo of my dad alone (below “Hope”), and a photo of Den in the lower right.

If you or your family members appear in any of these photos, please let me know!

A volunteer put together this PSA for CurePSP earlier in the year.  CurePSP finalized permissions and its Board approved it back in June.  I just received word that it’s OK to circulate the link.  Surprising that it’s not on the CurePSP website.  And I certainly haven’t seen it on TV.  (I’d be floored if I did!)
