NPH Commonly Misdiagnosed as PD, Atypical Parkinsonism or AD

Good Morning America (on ABC) had a segment this Thursday on NPH (normal pressure hydrocephalus). (Janet Edmunson alerted me to this segment.) Common symptoms in NPH are gait problems (shuffling), urinary incontinence, memory problems, and slowed thinking. Some of these symptoms can also be found in the four atypical parkinsonism disorders. I have occasionally read about people being diagnosed with PSP, CBD, MSA, or LBD initially, and then MDs figure out it is actually NPH. (I’ve probably read about more cases that go the other way: initial diagnosis of NPH, and a later diagnosis of an atypical parkinsonism disorder.) According to this GMA segment, NPH can be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s Disease. An MRI is critical in diagnosing NPH. This is one of the few dementia-causing conditions that is treatable.

Here’s a link to the video of the GMA segment:
(You’ll have to watch a short commercial beforehand. And the volume is set *very* high for both the ad and the segment; you can turn it down.)

At the bottom of this post is a transcript of the Good Morning America segment. Here’s a link to the transcript: … 680&page=1

Finally, you can locate info on NPH here:

Is It Really Alzheimer’s?
NPH Commonly Is Misdiagnosed as Alzheimer’s Disease
Good Morning America (ABC News)

Nov. 6, 2008 —

When 74-year-old Phil Myers was barely able to walk and his memory seemed to be going quickly, his wife, Shirley Myers, was terrified. She watched as the man she loved and was married to for 54 years slipped away, with thoughts of the two children they’d raised clearly in her mind.

“At first I was scared,” Shirley Myers said. “He took care of his family. He was just a family man. That was it. And he did so much for me.”

Is It Alzheimer’s?
“The doctors kept saying, ‘Oh, he’s OK. He’s OK,’ but then things kept getting worse — like dragging his feet. And then he started kind of forgetting where he was at,” Shirley Myers said.

The first diagnosis doctors gave Phil Myers was devastating; they believed it was a form of Alzheimer’s.

“When they told me it was Alzheimer’s, I couldn’t believe it because he was only 70 years old and it just didn’t seem like it was his time yet,” Shirley Myers said.

So the two went to see neurologist Mark Luciano from the Cleveland Clinic. He suspected it wasn’t Alzheimer’s at all, but rather something called normal pressure hydrocephalus, or NPH.

What Is NPH?
According to “Good Morning America” medical editor Dr. Tim Johnson, NPH can begin at age 55 and no one knows why.

The condition occurs when cerebral spinal fluid accumulates in the brain. The extra fluid pushes the brain against the nerves that affect memory, walking and balance, and bladder control.

“Hydrocephalis just means water inside the brain. It’s when water builds up and starts pressing on the brain itself,” Luciano said.

“The symptoms come on very gradually and they can be very subtle,” he said. “A gait problem, a problem with your bladder control, a problem with your memory, those are all very common symptoms in our elderly population.”

Other symptoms include problems with thinking, a slowing down of the thought process. Since the symptoms are so common, the condition is often misdiagnosed.

That happens in part because the warning signs come on very gradually and they can be very subtle, Johnson said. Also, in the elderly population, loss of memory, walking slowly, bladder control problems are all very common problems, so it looks like many other diseases, such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s or dementia, he added.

“It is one of the only treatable forms of dementia or memory loss. It can be not only treated, but in many cases reversed to a great extent just by removing the fluid,” Luciano said.

An MRI of the brain will show the enlarged ventricles and is a way for doctors to properly diagnose the condition, Johnson said.

Treatment of NPH
Treatment for NPH is a relatively simple operation.

“When they told us it was — it would be treatable, it was like a miracle,” Shirley Myers said. “We all felt like it’s a miracle.”

A shunt is implanted in the brain and leads the excess fluid away from the brain and into the abdomen.

“Quite honestly, we weren’t sure that fluid removal was going to help him,” Luciano said.

Four months ago, Phil Myers had the operation to implant the shunt, four years after his symptoms first appeared.

Now the man, who once had tremendous trouble walking, travels with much more ease.

“It was quite, quite nice to be able to do the things you want to do,” he said.

Phil Myers remains in recovery and Luciano said it can take up to a full year to see all the effects of the procedure.

“The improvement that we see now, we hope, that he has for many years,” Luciano said.

“He still has a ways to go on some issues, but his walking is terrific. And that’s what the doctor was looking for I think. And his balance has improved,” Shirley Myers said.

Click here to get more information about NPH:

“Tau forms in CSF as a reliable biomarker” for PSP

This is a GREAT Italian study (just published last week) on the use of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) in diagnosing PSP. The researchers found: “Truncated tau production, which selectively affects brainstem neuron susceptibility, can be considered a specific and reliable marker for PSP.”

“A total of 166 subjects were included in the study (21 PSP, 20 corticobasal degeneration syndrome, 44 frontotemporal dementia, 29 Alzheimer disease, 10 Parkinson disease, 15 dementia with Lewy bodies, and 27 individuals without any neurodegenerative disorder). Each patient underwent a standardized clinical and neuropsychological evaluation. In CSF, a semiquantitative immunoprecipitation was developed to evaluate CSF tau 33 kDa/55 kDa ratio. MRI assessment and VBM analysis was carried out.” Researchers concluded that “Tau form ratio was the lowest in progressive supranuclear palsy with no overlap with any other neurodegenerative illness.”

If this can be duplicated and if the clinical diagnoses of the 166 subjects involved in the study can be confirmed on post-mortem analysis, we will have a biomarker for diagnosing PSP.

I’m pretty sure this is the paper that Dr. Golbe was referring to in the PSP/CBD webinar a few weeks ago.


Neurology. 2008 Oct 29. [Epub ahead of print]

Tau forms in CSF as a reliable biomarker for progressive supranuclear palsy.

Borroni B, Malinverno M, Gardoni F, Alberici A, Parnetti L, Premi E, Bonuccelli U, Grassi M, Perani D, Calabresi P, Di Luca M, Padovani A.

From the Centre for Aging Brain and Dementia (B.B., A.A., E.P., A.P.), Department of Neurology, University of Brescia; the Centre of Excellence for Neurodegenerative Disorders and Department of Pharmacological Sciences (M.M., F.G., M.D.), University of Milan; the Section of Clinical Neuroscience (L.P., P.C.), University of Perugia; Department of Neurology (U.B.), University of Pisa; Department of Health Sciences (M.G.), Section of Medical Statistics & Epidemiology, University of Pavia; and the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and Scientific Institute San Raffaele (D.P.), Milan, Italy.

OBJECTIVE: In CSF, extended (55 kDa) and truncated (33 kDa) tau forms have been previously recognized, and the tau 33 kDa/55 kDa ratio has been found significantly reduced in progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) vs in other neurodegenerative disorders.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of the CSF tau form ratio as a biomarker of PSP and to correlate the structural anatomic changes as measured by means of voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to CSF tau form ratio decrease.

METHODS: A total of 166 subjects were included in the study (21 PSP, 20 corticobasal degeneration syndrome, 44 frontotemporal dementia, 29 Alzheimer disease, 10 Parkinson disease, 15 dementia with Lewy bodies, and 27 individuals without any neurodegenerative disorder). Each patient underwent a standardized clinical and neuropsychological evaluation. In CSF, a semiquantitative immunoprecipitation was developed to evaluate CSF tau 33 kDa/55 kDa ratio. MRI assessment and VBM analysis was carried out.

RESULTS: Tau form ratio was significantly reduced in patients with PSP (0.504 +/- 0.284) when compared to age-matched controls (0.989 +/- 0.343), and to patients with other neurodegenerative conditions (range = 0.899-1.215). The area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic analysis in PSP vs other subgroups ranged from 0.863 to 0.937 (PSP vs others, AUC = 0.897, p < 0.0001). VBM study showed that CSF tau form ratio decrease correlated significantly with brainstem atrophy.

CONCLUSIONS: Truncated tau production, which selectively affects brainstem neuron susceptibility, can be considered a specific and reliable marker for PSP. Tau form ratio was the lowest in progressive supranuclear palsy with no overlap with any other neurodegenerative illness.

PubMed ID#: 18971445 (see for abstract only)