“The Car Key Conversation”

The New York Times has an interesting blog series called “The New Old Age: Caring and Coping.”  Today’s post is about taking away someone’s car keys.  Here’s a link:


The New Old Age: Caring and Coping
The Car Key Conversation
By Jane Gross
New York Times
July 3, 2008

Here are excerpts:

“Now I learn that the “car key conversation” is the one that caregivers dread most. Thirty-six percent of adult children polled by the Web site Caring.com and the National Safety Council said that talking to their parents about the need to stop driving would be harder than discussing funeral plans (29 percent) or selling the family home (18 percent).”

“Gradually persuading our elderly parents to stop driving, rather than one day having no choice but to take away their car keys, is one of Caring.com’s primary topics. Among the site’s online instructionals: “How To Know When Your Parents Should Stop Driving.” “What To Do If Your Parents Refuse To Stop Driving.” “How To Approach Your Parents With Concern About Their Driving.” “Why Giving Up the Car Keys Is Such A Loaded Issue for Your Aging Parents.” And the list goes on.”

I am lucky my father spared me the conversation as well.